"Remember boys, aim small, miss small!" Col. Benjamin Martin, The Patriot (2000)
In the Gazette, Kodiak says he spends a lot of time shooting at the 5 foot mark. If he is shooting at a 24 inch target, that may help his times but does nothing for his accuracy. A 24 inch target at 5 feet is the same as a 100 inch target at 21 feet. Sometimes we just practice missing.
Think about using a 6 inch target at 6 feet. That is the same as a 21 inch target at 21 feet. If you can hit 60 or 80 % in a 6 inch target at 6 feet you should be able to hit consistently at 21 feet.
A 6 inch target at 5.2 feet is the same as a 24 inch target at 21 feet.
It is paramount that the target be set at the proper height. For me I shoot from 42 inches. So my shot must rise 8 inches to the center of the target or .38 inches per foot from the target. Therefore for me at 6 foot my target height is 44.2 inches. (42 plus .38 times 6) Otherwise, I would just be practicing missing.
Coming soon the Arizona Gunslingers' five inch target. Will be made to catch wax at five feet and will be the same as a 21 inch target at 21 feet. A raffle item for Shoot for the Stars!
Luckey Riley say small target good when u don't have a lot of room like in his wife's walkin closet. He is looking for a few good truck drivers in the fall for harvest who like to pheasant hunt.