Wednesday, November 24, 2021

What might have been!

The 2020 and 2021 Arizona State fell victim to the cancel culture.  It is really unfortunate because a unique and great format had been planned which now will probably never see the light of day. I  am going set forth the format so that if other clubs might want to use all or part of it, they can consider it. The unique features were the following:

Shoot down to the magnificent 7 the first day:  Most title matches shoot 7or 8 rounds and finish mid day.  There is enough time to shoot down to the magnificent if you start promptly and are efficient in the use of your range time.  This has been done  at several title matches in 2021. The only complaint you hear is that it is too tiring.  In response, I would suggest that fatigue only affects small number of the shooters and it is not nearly as tiring as shooting long in a bracket, i.e 10 rounds or more, then finishing main match, i.e. 5 rounds or more, then having to shoot in the magnificent finals.  That is a long day and probably affects the outcome of the event.

If it takes 6 hours of range time to shoot the main match, it really does not matter whether you shoot 5 hours the first day and 1 hour the second day or 6 hours the first day.  It is probably more efficient to shoot it all the first day.  Our affection for just 7 or 8 rounds comes from the desire to "make it to the second day."  We dislike the elimination.  With this format, everyone remains in play for prizes and substantial cash on the second day.

Administration: By shooting down to the magnificent the first day, you can have the rounds drawn in advance for the second day and start promptly.

There are two ways title matches are run.  Divisions are assigned to specific ranges or divisions are rotated on all of the ranges.  Rotating divisions is much more efficient because there is no down time between rounds.  Normally, the next round is at the table before a round is finished.  While you are shooting the men, you draw the ladies and youth.  While you shoot the ladies and youth, you draw the men.  Paper flows evenly and there is plenty of time to input scores and draw rounds.  When you assign specific divisions to specific range, all shooter start and finish at about same time, so there is down time to draw the next round.  Ten or fifteen minutes between rounds add up especially when 3 or 4 ranges sit idle.

Every shooter was going to be shooting for prizes and cash every day. Recognized places:  At most state events there are between 25 to 30 recognized places.  Because recognized places must be determined on the line much range time is used having shoot offs for place.  Why not have the format determine all of the recognized places.  This was going to be done by have 14 recognized places for the magnificent shooters and then 12 recognized places 1st, 2nd and 3rd in four second chance brackets. There was going to be 26 recognized places. As an option, if you want more recognized places you can have 5 brackets with 3 places (29), or 4 brackets with 5 places (34). (The computer can handle 5 brackets)  In any event, the format determines the recognized places without excessive shoot offs.  And every shooters is still shooting for prizes and cash every day.


Cash Prizes Money:  The cash prize money of $4,000 was going to be divided equally between the magnificent shooters and the second chance shooters.  In addition to buckles and other awards 26 shooters were going to win not less than $100 and not more than $250 each.  The bracket shoots were going to be second chance to insure that the prize money was spread around. With this format there would be 26 money winners.  If you used a true bracket match (including all shooters) you might only get 14 money winners if all the magnificent shooters also won all places in the brackets, which is possible but not likely.

Summary: There is nothing in this that has not been done before. If my memory is correct, we shot down to the magnificent the first day at the Southern in 2021 and also at Southern in 2020 finishing before 3:00. I remember because I left to go to Palo Duro Canyon missing a large shoot off for place.  I remember cash awards in the 2nd chance shoot at Idaho.  

What might have been.  Try this you will like it.


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