Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Well that worked Well!

Shady is an amazing fella.You plant an idea, a plan or a design with him and off he runs.  I wrote a post about shooting with three lanes at a jackpot shoot and before the next day I get this:

I was going to try out Arizona bye with three lanes at the next Loess Hills Jackpot shoot but since the lanes are up and we always get a good crowd on Wednesday we decided to give it a whirl.  We had 19 shooters and we shot 6 rounds of Arizona Five on three lanes, all three shooters at a time unless there were only two shooters.  It took about 3 hours and the scoring and CFDA program worked well.  When you set the match up you put in that you have 3 lanes and the program divides the shooters into sets of three.  Lane assignments needed to be adjusted a bit but that was easy to do.

We shot Arizona Five so it is possible to get 1 W and 2 Xs, or 3 Xs, or 2 W and 1 X.  Had it been three winning shots all rounds would have resulted in 1W and 2Xs. The scoring was easy and I think everyone understood the scoring.  Just remember you score each shooter against each of the other shooters and a loss to either is a loss in the match.

We were testing the scoring, CFDA program, and whether there were any unforeseen problems.  Ordinarily you would only use Arizona bye when there was a odd number of shooters, but as used today it allowed us to use three lanes to their full capacity.

Be careful of conclusions:  Shady had the lanes set up yesterday and I came over to practice. Old West stopped by and so we shot 6 rounds of three winning shots Arizona bye.  In 6 rounds I never won shot let alone a match. In the first 2 rounds today I could not find the target, so I went 8 rounds and won just one shot.  It would be easy to conclude that the format is not my cup of tea and to say I hate it, but in reality it was just poor shooting or luck of the draw (yesterday). The ship, or more accurately the system, righted itself and I finished the event third out of nineteen.

Loess Hills Jackpot Shoot:  I am planning a Loess Hills Jackpot Shoot for May 19 and what we really need to do is test the Arizona bye in a bracket environment where it is designed to shine.  Not only will it save rounds but it will sort better than the CFDA bye.  What I need is 18 shooters with $10 apiece to do a little two bracket shoot.  So as not to be accused of doing a classification shoot, we will divide the 18 into two brackets using their last fastest time as shown on the last fastest time report that they have shot, nine in each bracket. We then shoot a 3x three winning shots last man standing bracket shoot using two lanes with the three lanes being only used for the odd shooter set.  For time considerations shooting 18 shooters on two lanes will be comparable to shooting 54 shooters on a 6 lane range.

Pot, Pot, whose got the Pot:  In these small jackpots normally the division is $50, $30, and $20 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Since we are trying out new things what we will do is we will have a 1x Magnificent 6 shoot off of the top three shooters in each bracket. The seeding will be Master Gunfighter 1, Gunfighter 1, Master Gunfighter 2, Gunfighter 2, Master Gunfighter 3, Gunfighter 3.  One-third of the field will be in the shoot-off.

Gunfighter Rating:  I will do gunfighter ratings on all of the shooters since this helps evaluate how the format is sorting.  It is interesting to see how just in the two shoots so far, some gunslingers have made impressive improvement in their gunfighter rating.

Proud PaPa:  My youngest was a division 1 athlete but motherhood and life had somewhat weighted her down.  She has now taken up roller derby and the fire is back.  You will never know how good you can be if you don't try.   As I texted her, be quick, slow is not in our genes.  I am looking for 18 gunslingers to venture into new places and it will only cost you $10 and a morning of your time.  Try the Arizona bye, you may like it.  Never ever slow down!

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