Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Alleluia Regiment

I write this post as a prep talk for those trying the Alleluia Training and Competition System.  For the last week I have been up in the Coconino National Forest with no timers or targets, so I did bucket work. Shot 190 rounds over five sessions consuming about 30 rounds of wax.

I thought the Rio match on Saturday would be a good indication whether the bucket work helped. Overall, I shot below average right around 60% but that was good enough to win the event.  Good enough because the system is progressive. In 4 of my last 5 matches I hit 100%. The system is designed to be progressive.  The more you shoot the better you shoot.  Your bucket work is progressive.  You may start out at 40-50%, but by the end of the session you should be at 100%, all without trying to improve accuracy. It should all be subconscious.

In each match we walk our hits to the light. First shot is a guess on alignment.  We then go through our physical routine, our mental routine, do our waggle, then wait as a loaded spring for the light. Second shot on the target. Again pre-shot routine. Next shot closer to the light.  Walking the hits to the light.  In each match we should be getting better and better. Just as in our practice, during each 5 shot string we are improving with each shot.

The hard alignment problem is the elevation. For locked elbow shooters that is generally a matter of balance.  It is something you just have to learn as the day goes on.  Just as in our training sessions, your balance should improve at the day goes on. The more you shoot during an event, the better your balance will be.

Saturday, my last three opponents were on average 50 milliseconds  quicker than me. None of them hit a shot while I was in my "I ain't missing, bring me another shooter" mode. Flusters!  They got flustered while I was shooting the Alleluia system of getting progressively more accurate with each shot.

The system works well in a shoot-off environment because you have a set routine of physical and mental processes to go through with each shot.  It is a guard against flusters. Against The Draw I did get flustered because of the history between us. He gave me an X at the 2016 Nationals .398 to .399.  I wanted to beat him on time so bad my first shot was right over the top. But then back to the system of walking the hits to the light, next two hits within 6 inches of light. Then I had a flyer probably a up 2 hits fluster.  Then back to the system for the win.

Some cardinal rules off the system:

Never ever slow down!

Never ever change your draw in an event!
Never ever think about your draw!
Never ever think about hitting!
Never ever think about speed!

Your quickest draw is your most accurate!

" The researchers ... suggest....that skilled performers have engaged in greater quantities of 'deliberate practice,' the kind of effortful exercises that strain the capacity of the trainee. In other words the kind of practice that often is done solitary."    The Sports Gene

For new shooters or those who want to seriously try the system I do have a training blog. I give the site out upon request.  Alleluia Ruah


  1. It seems impossible to not think about one's draw, especially when you are missing or trying to go faster. It's the thinking that brings about the necessary change you are trying to make. Knowing you as I do, I know what you will say: "don't think. Just let the change happen". And I agree with you....change will instinctively happen. But somehow my head always gets in the way. Maybe tomorrow it won't.

  2. If you correct by changing draw you get wide swings, not the small incremental adjustment you need. If you never chunk that data, you are just Albert who cant hit Jenny.

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