Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Question Is.

The question is did the junior shooter Williehitit choose his alias after seeing the movie "Seven Days in Utopia."  To understand the question you need to see the movie and/or know the family. Williehitit gave me my first x in the 2019 Texas State Championship and he gave Quick Cal two of his four xs.

The movie is about a young professional golfer's growth as a golfer and a person.  The movie will help you become a better gunslinger and maybe a better person. 

This week on the mtn a young lady cut 300 milliseconds off her times by going from the extended follow through to shooting from the hip.  Three hundred is just the beginning, 400 maybe 500 is possible.  The questions is "Will she continue to buy what I am selling?"  It is not easy to leave the safety of being an 80% shooter for the glamour of speed but remember for Alleluia shooters "80% is just average."

Also this week a veteran shooter, normally a low five shooter, shot down into the threes. He did this last week also.  After the match he asked me "How did I do that?"  I responded that he just got out of the way.  We are all better shooters than we shoot if only we would get out of the way. Stop worrying about hitting the target.  Your shot will go where you are aligned.  Stop worrying about your speed.  You are faster than have ever shot.  Stop worrying about your opponent. It does not matter if the little ball goes in the hole. Bury your worries in Utopia, they are holding you back.

To demonstrate to a brand new shooter, we shot a three shooter match between myself, Shady, and Cort O' Whiskey. It was a classic shoot out. Later, I, Shady and Cort O' Whiskey did a three shooter Shady/Ruah speed run. In such a match because of the speed bias I have no chance, but to set the tone on the first shot I hit a .288. The question is "Was it anticipation or was it potential?" The draw came at least 80 mls after the light.  Which was it, that is the question.

When I meet Williehitit again in May what do think my opening comment should be?  "80% is just average," or "I ain't as slow as I look." Probably neither will work, he shoots with those Bushwhackers and I think some of them are on to me.

By the way Seven Days in Utopia is on Amazon Prime for free or you can rent it.  It is worth the rental.

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