Sunday, May 12, 2019

An Apology

I apologize if I offended any of the competitors or hosts of titled matches by my recent comments.  It was not my intent to do so.  To make the magnificent shoot off you have to be good, tough and a little bit lucky.  Those shooters deserve all the praise. Congratulations on great shooting.  Likewise it is tough to host a title match.  Those hosts do a great job.  I like the magnificent format, it is better that last man standing for reasons I have said in prior posts.

Everyone has an agenda. Mine is the 7 x titled match.  With just a few minor changes, we could be shooting titled matches where all shooters are still in competition on the Championship day. 

Yesterday at Rio our new Regulator,  publicly warned new shooters about the two miscreants here in the Valley of the Sun.  The miscreants publicly acknowledged the error of their ways and but both invited the shooters to come and learn how to be better CFDA shooters.  The irony is that no one here in the Valley or for that matter in the nation, has done more to promote, recruit, train CFDA shooters than those miscreants.  "Want to be quick, come to the Camp; Want to win come to Shady Mtn."

Rio was interesting yesterday.  Three of the four top shooters were Shady Mtn shooters.  The Camp shooters were all well down in the pack.  Last month 3 of the top 4 were Camp shooters, including our new Regulator.   

I know there have been some out there complaining that we are going to use 24" targets at 15' at 47".  And I know some titled matches shoot some side matches at 15 feet at target height of 50 inches, but this up coming shoot is a practice shoot.  Shooting at 15 feet with a target height of 50 inches is just practicing to miss.  We don't do that!  I will let the Sage from the mountains explain why shooting a target height of 50 inches at 15 feet is practicing missing. 

At the Loess Hills Added,  all CFDA rules apply except those which we are testing as announced.

Heh, how about a 6 x Arizona State Championship in November.  It would have to be a Class D experimental affair.  Would be easy to do, big money payout.  We could invite match directors, Marshalls, Regulators, and Quick Cal to come and see how well it would worked. When you are testing something it is just as important to find out what won't work as to find out what does work, maybe more important.

(This posts has now been sanitized, I hope it now meets standards, but if not, it is the best that I can do. 05/13/19)

1 comment:

  1. Since you sort of called me out, when all the synapses are firing and I get flashbacks there was a time long, long ago in a land far, far away(Cowboy Fast Draw before 17 inch targets), that in the Gunslingers' Guidelines there were actually provisions set out for conducting matches at 15 and 18 feet using 24 inch targets at 50 inches. Names were given to these various distances that have been usurped by brackets(brackets did not exist in this magical kingdom either). Then there arose the cry, "That looks so easy", and a smaller target was born, but how do we convince the masses it's really no more difficult? The wizard was consulted and devised a plan that makes the circle appear the same size at whatever distance was selected and the masses were appeased albeit with some grumbling. All was well in the kingdom, but wait, someone noticed unless one was a giant and one's elbow was approximately 46 inches above the ground as one got closer to the magic disc the angle of one's forearm must adjust to point to the center of the disc. 39 1/2 inches was decreed as universal and the center of the magic disc was made to descend along a line from 50 inches to 39 1/2 inches. There was a rumbling among the masses and the mythical "cone of fire" came into being to silence the rumblings while the true cone of fire wash banished from the kingdom. As the rumbling subside the fool on the hill sat and watched the kingdom and seemed to notice something. He got his stick and two pieces of string and investigated. But that is a story for another time.
