Saturday, May 4, 2019

Loess Hills Paladins Bracket Shoot

As a fund raiser I plan to host a CFDA bracket shoot the third weekend of May.  It will be held at the Camp on Saturday, May 18th.  Sign in will be 8:00 a.m., shooter meeting 8:30 a.m. Entry fee will be $10.00 for all shooters including any youth.  

It will be a CFDA type bracket shoot with the shooters placed in brackets based on their last time out reported time except for shootists.  Shootists will be a separate bracket.  In order to have a separate shootist bracket at least 5 shootist must sign up. If there are not at least 5 shootists then shootists with be seeded with the short guns.  I anticipate two other brackets, Master Gunfighter and Gunfighter unless turn out is greater than 28 shooters.  If there are more than 28 shooters there will be four brackets. It will be a 3 x last man standing three winning shots affair.  Match Director reserves option of placing shooters in appropriate bracket if shooter is missing a time out time or has aberrant time out time.


1.  We will be shooting 24" targets at 15 feet set at 47 inches.  We do this because a shooter does not get better practicing missing.  Also, this should shorten the matches with most matches being determined on quickness, not chance.

2.  We will be using the Arizona Bye for bye rounds.  This, in theory, should shorten the number of rounds needed to resolve a bracket and should do a better job sorting the shooters.  

3. Entry fees shall be paid out 60% to shooters, 20% to range or host club, and 20% to the Paladins.  Prize money will be divided equally among the brackets with the top three in each bracket receiving 50%, 30%, 20%. 

4. Added.  This will be an added event with sponsors donating cash for the added purse.  The added purse will be divided between the top three shooters in a Magnificent 9 shoot-off, split being 50%, 30% and 20%.

5.  The top three in each bracket will be placed in a Magnificent 9 shoot-off either 1 x and 2 x depending on the time that the shoot off begins. Seeding will be 1) Master Gunfighter #1, 2) Gunfighter #1, 3) Shootist #1, 4) Mastergunfighter #2, 5)Gunfighter #2, 6) Shootist #2, and 7) Mastergunfighter #3, 8) Gunfighter #3, and 9) Shootist #3.  If there are 4 brackets then the seeding will be adjusted accordingly and the shoot off will be a Magnificent 12 1 x. 

Purpose:  The Loess Hills Paladins, Inc is a charity and it will not survive without a source of funds.  If you think having a second range is a good thing support this shoot. Also this shoot allows us to test out innovations such as the Arizona Bye, the Magnificent shoot-off and the "Added" feature.

We would like to get about 30 shooters to test out the Arizona Bye.  Three or four brackets of 7 or more shooters in each would be ideal, but probably not enough shootists for that, but that is okay.   It may cause some to take up the long gun to better their odds. Long guns will definitely be at an advantage because the likely short bracket.