Monday, May 6, 2019

The "Added"

The Loess Hills Paladins, Inc is hosting a jackpot shoot on May 18 at The Camp.  It will be an "Added" event.

Many hosts of title events struggle meeting the prize requirements. They do it mainly by soliciting door prizes from sponsors.  This has always seemed to me to be inefficient.  The Paladins are experimenting with an "Added" event.  Cash sponsorship are being solicited and the cash is being added to directly to the prize money.   Business sponsorship is a minimum of $20 and individual sponsorship is a minimum of $10. For that minimum amount you get listed on the sponsors board and verbally recognized during the shoot.

The Association of Arizona Gunslinger's Winter Range jackpot shoot is always well attended, more than 90 in 2018, more than 100 in 2019, in part because it pays so well, 80% payout.  I would like to recommend to the board that we go to an "Added" event in 2020 and see if we could get to more than a 100% payout.

If this makes sense to you and you would like to see these "Added" events occur, do a sponsorship.  You can send your check payable to the Loess Hills Paladins, P.O. Box 74726, Phoenix, AZ 85087.  You might want to send me a message, e-mail or call to make sure I get you on the list. 

We are, as always, testing out some other innovations.  One of which is a separate bracket for Shootists.  This seemed to be very well received at Winter Range. I can think of a few Colorado/Utah shootists that might want to take a road trip for the 18th.  Heck, for out of staters, I could be talked into doing a seminar on mental toughness Sunday morning before they leave.

For more details on the shoot see my post on the shoot.

P.S. The Camp's address is 901 E Dolores Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85085

1 comment:

  1. Well, since it seems to be getting a little dusty over there on facebook, here I state that this is a fun range arrangement. I have run matches on that range set up when I could be called somewhat in charge. The shooters enjoyed it and made for quicker times and a little confidence building. Didn't seem to increase hit ratio as much as I expected though. It does seem to induce flailing a bit.
